Thursday 23 April 2020

Wednesday to Friday

Whoops, we haven't posted in a while as we've been busy with home schooling, bike riding and tv watching.

On Wednesday morning we heard a strange noise outside so went to investigate. There was a big green truck with a long pipe that reminded us of an elephants trunk! The truck was sucking up all the leaves and dirt out of the drains and was pretty awesome to watch. 
That night for dinner we had home made sushi for dinner, yummy! Even Bob had fun with the chopsticks. 

Thursday was a super, super exciting day as a courier came and dropped off a special present for Floyd - his very own Cromebook!!!!!!! I think you can tell by his smile how happy he was. Malachi had fun popping the bubble wrap too.

 One of the suggested activities for Malachi was leaf rubbing, it was amazing how much detail you could see on some of them. 
While out bike riding on Friday Malachi learnt another new trick - look Mum, no hands!

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