Saturday 4 April 2020

Friday 3rd

Lots more bike riding today, I think we went out four different times to ride up and down the street. We chattered with the neighbours (at a safe distance) and had races too. 

Today's boardgame was Cadoo. Mum won (and was a little bit too excited!) 

We went on another treasure hunt walk this afternoon so Dad could have a video call meeting without us being noisy in the background.
Mum made it harder today as we had to find more than one of some things. We didn't manage to see a pram but ticked off everything else. We started the walk on the roads but decided to come home via the Oakley Creek walkway. We love having the bush so close, but got covered in bites again and poor Mum got pooped on by a tui! 

Floyd had a lot of fun video calling with two friends this afternoon before having yet another bike ride. 


  1. Hi boys, you are certainly keeping busy and good to see you are going for bike rides as well. Grandad and I go for a long walk in the mornings. It is so nice in the sun. Love, Nana xx

  2. Aren't we lucky to have the Creek so close?!
