Wednesday 1 April 2020

Tuesday 31st

Today was a busy fun filled day, with lots of time spent outside enjoying the sunshine. 

We started the day with a challenge. We tried to name assorted things that started with the letters in our name, we had to get a bit inventive with some of the answers.                                                                                                 

Malachi helped Dad wash the car. He experimented with different ways to squirt the water, a small water gun, a super soaker and the water blaster...of course things ended up with a water fight and us all slightly soggy afterwards! 

We then ventured up the road for a bear hunt walk. We spotted a variety of different soft toys in windows but our favourite was the ALF at the top of the street with a sign  -  "help these guys are crazy"
some of the things we saw

Mum found a post online about bubble sock snakes so we gave it a try. If we did it again we'd drop the colouring on the sock rather than putting it in the bubbles as ours didn't come out coloured.
Check out instructions to do it that way here

You would think after all that we'd be exhausted but no! After watching a couple of episodes of Pokemon it was back outside time. Mum tried to teach us how to do a cartwheel but we couldn't quite master that so decided to do burpies, starjumps and other crazy stuff instead.

Malachi's highlight of the day was riding his bike down the middle of the road as there were no cars around. 

We then ended our busy day with a god old fashioned brotherly tackle! 


  1. Sounds like a fun day! We're enjoying biking on the quiet roads, too, Malachi.

  2. Sounds amazing. Come wash my car anytime (after lockdown of course), looks like you did a great job!
