Thursday 2 April 2020

Wednesday 1st April

We spent last night planning some pranks we could pull since it's April fools day then proceeded to forget all about it this morning! 

We spent the morning blowing more bubbles, riding our bikes and even had a chat to some neighbours (we stayed on the drive way and they talked out the window to ensure we were keeping 2 metres away) The little girl who lives down the same drive as us spotted us blowing bubbles and was super keen to head home and try them too. 

For our walk today Mum set us a treasure hunt task, Malachi found some of his super fast so we had to add some more. of course today was the day we didn't see dogs or bikes for ages after seeing heaps yesterday We both had one thing left and thought we might have to give up and head home but decided to walk down a different street and what did we see...a green car and someone walking a dog, yippee!! 

In the afternoon after Dad had finished his work he came outside and sorted Floyd's old bike so that Malachi could ride it as his knees were getting in the way on his old bike. 

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