Monday 6 April 2020

Monday 6th

Daylight saving ending confused us a bit today so we were up super early so we got to watch a bit of extra tv, yay!

Dad is still working from home so we have to be quiet when he has a zoom meeting which meant lots of time outside today, just as well it was super sunny. We are loving the freedom of riding our bikes and today Bob our cat tried to join us! 

After lunch we went for a walk along the main road and spotted lots of soft toys in peoples windows. One house even  had a zipline and a swing for their teddies and another had a HUGE teddy on the deck. 

Mum showed us a neat activity she found on instagram yesterday and we were super excited to try it today. Luckily we had eggs in our dinner yesterday so we could save the shells.

There is an empty section a few doors up from us so we decided that would be a great place to hunt for different leaves, petals and small flowers to put in our eggs. 

Once we got back home we set to work filling our egg shell with the treasures we had collect, it was amazing how much we could fit inside.
Then we carefully topped them up with water and transferred them to the freezer to set while we went on our walk. 

They werent quite ready when we got back so had to leave them a little while longer. We decided to just 'crack' Mum's one today and have left ours till tomorrow. It was amazing watching more things break out of the ice egg as it melted. 
The whole egg from different angles 
Different stages of melting, with things poking through the ice,
and showing the layers that Mum put in 

At one stage it even looked like it had ears, what do you think??

All melted

1 comment:

  1. It was funny seeing Bob following you on your bike ride. I love the ice eggs. What a great idea.
