Thursday 9 April 2020

Tuesday 7th

We had a busy day today trying to do lots of things before the rain arrived.

Mum had tried to buy some chalk but they didnt supply it so we decided to try and make our own chalk paint.  It was slightly more runny than we thought it would be but we still had fun! Click here for the recipe we used chalk

We used all our bread at breakfast time so thought we'd make out own bread rolls for lunch. Mum found a super simple recipe and we did most of the work ourselves. It was so weird how the yeast turned into a strange foaming blob! We used the special dough hooks to mix it first and then got to kneed it by hand, it was fun punching and pounding the dough. Waiting for them to raise and cook seemed to take forever but it was so worth the wait, they tasted super yummy. 

After our yummy lunch we went for a walk around Oakley Creek and the bike track. We hoped to spot some eels but could only find one. We did spot some ducks and rabbits though and even a tree with bananas.  

After bed we spotted the amazing moon so Dad got the telescope back out for us to look through. Malachi tried using his binoculars but they didn't work quite the same. 


  1. A week or so ago I saw two eels fighting in the Creek! Or, at least, I think that's what they were doing. A big one bit on the end of the tail of a little one and they thrashed around for ages before the little one got away.

    1. we were talking to the neighbours today and they said they saw 4 today!
