Monday 30 March 2020

Thursday 26th

Today we started the day with more school work. Malachi has some worksheets from school and Floyd has work on his school blog. We're also doing maths and reading each day - as well as lots of playtime and some screen time too! 

Malachi did an alphabet hunt, he had to find things around the house that started with each letter, while Floyd checked out some cook books as he has a challenge to plan and cook a meal. 


We wanted scones for lunch and helped Mum make them. We got a bit messy but they were super yum! 

Mum told us that people are putting soft toys in their windows so we dressed up Simon the Safety Sloth 

Chatting to friends on video chat was another highlight of the day, the filters made us crack up!!

We finished the day with more work and more Nerf wars. 


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