Thursday 23 April 2020

Wednesday to Friday

Whoops, we haven't posted in a while as we've been busy with home schooling, bike riding and tv watching.

On Wednesday morning we heard a strange noise outside so went to investigate. There was a big green truck with a long pipe that reminded us of an elephants trunk! The truck was sucking up all the leaves and dirt out of the drains and was pretty awesome to watch. 
That night for dinner we had home made sushi for dinner, yummy! Even Bob had fun with the chopsticks. 

Thursday was a super, super exciting day as a courier came and dropped off a special present for Floyd - his very own Cromebook!!!!!!! I think you can tell by his smile how happy he was. Malachi had fun popping the bubble wrap too.

 One of the suggested activities for Malachi was leaf rubbing, it was amazing how much detail you could see on some of them. 
While out bike riding on Friday Malachi learnt another new trick - look Mum, no hands!

Sunday 19 April 2020

Monday and Tuesday

Monday and Tuesday were quite days, enjoying our at home holidays before term 2 AKA home schooling starts. 

On Monday we found Mum's old knuckle bones, we were glad to hear these ones weren't made of real bone! Dad showed us what to do and Malachi managed to catch some - yippee! 

On Tuesday Daddy and Floyd had fun in the kitchen making cupcakes and muffins. They tasted super good. We also started a subscription to Disney + and got to watch The Incredibles 2                                                                        

Incredibles 2': My Reaction/Thoughts

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Easter Sunday

Due to Mum recently having bronchitis the Easter Bunny decided it wasn't safe for him to visit our house so he suggested Mum do a hunt for us instead. Some of the clues she made were a bit tricky but we got there in the end and it was worth it, plastic eggs filled with bunny poop (aka jellybeans) sour carrot lollies and funky Easter cookies. At the end we both got chocolate too. 

After a morning full of sugar we went for a big bike ride (Mum and Dad walked) We loved riding our bikes down the big ramp at the back of Pak n Save and thought it was neat that there's a special ramp to help wheel bikes up the stairs. 

Saturday 11th

After another full nights sleep in the hut we were ready for a day of fun.  We spent the morning at home helping Dad in the garage, riding our bikes and decorating the fence for Easter.

After lunch we went on a walk to see how many Easter Eggs we could find as part of the #nzegghunt.                                                                                 

While we were on our walk Mum told us that if you see a fire hydrant cover you'll notice it has the letters FH on it. Then she said it can also mean FREE HIT!! You have to keep a foot on it though so we spent the rest of our walk looking for them and racing to be the first person to stand on it. (don't worry Floyd was acting for the photo)

After dinner we had a bit of crazy time, trying to do handstands and headstands against the wall and playing with the filters on Mum's phone. 


Good Friday

Today was the first day of Easter, YAY Dad doesn't have to work again until Tuesday!!

To mark the start of Easter we helped Mum to make hot cross buns - we're a bit fussy so no fruit in ours. Mum had printed off an assortment of Easter crafts for us to colour. Check her out looking a little bit funny below!! 
So yummy!!!!

We spent a lot of time in our hut again, even using it as a base for a mega nerf war! I think Bob has decided it might be his new base too. 

We Facetimed Nana and Grandad too, we're missing them so much. Malachi had fun seeing how many crazy ways he could sit while talking to them. (yes his foot is on Mummy's head) 

Thursday 9th

Just a short post today as we didn't get up to anything super exciting. We spent a lot of time in the hut Mum built in our room recording challenges and other things for our '24 hour challenge' (and Bob even came to join us!)
We both slept in the hut and lasted all night without coming out.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Wednesday 8th

We spent lots of time outside today riding our bikes and having races with our neighbours (at distance of course) 

Malachi managed to get our old remote controlled car working even though it only has three wheels! Racing it up the middle of the road was awesome! 

We watched some videos on Youtube about box forts and different 24h hour challenges so decided we'd try and sleep and play in a hut for the night and part of tomorrow. Will let you know how it went. 

Tuesday 7th

We had a busy day today trying to do lots of things before the rain arrived.

Mum had tried to buy some chalk but they didnt supply it so we decided to try and make our own chalk paint.  It was slightly more runny than we thought it would be but we still had fun! Click here for the recipe we used chalk

We used all our bread at breakfast time so thought we'd make out own bread rolls for lunch. Mum found a super simple recipe and we did most of the work ourselves. It was so weird how the yeast turned into a strange foaming blob! We used the special dough hooks to mix it first and then got to kneed it by hand, it was fun punching and pounding the dough. Waiting for them to raise and cook seemed to take forever but it was so worth the wait, they tasted super yummy. 

After our yummy lunch we went for a walk around Oakley Creek and the bike track. We hoped to spot some eels but could only find one. We did spot some ducks and rabbits though and even a tree with bananas.  

After bed we spotted the amazing moon so Dad got the telescope back out for us to look through. Malachi tried using his binoculars but they didn't work quite the same. 

Monday 6 April 2020

Monday 6th

Daylight saving ending confused us a bit today so we were up super early so we got to watch a bit of extra tv, yay!

Dad is still working from home so we have to be quiet when he has a zoom meeting which meant lots of time outside today, just as well it was super sunny. We are loving the freedom of riding our bikes and today Bob our cat tried to join us! 

After lunch we went for a walk along the main road and spotted lots of soft toys in peoples windows. One house even  had a zipline and a swing for their teddies and another had a HUGE teddy on the deck. 

Mum showed us a neat activity she found on instagram yesterday and we were super excited to try it today. Luckily we had eggs in our dinner yesterday so we could save the shells.

There is an empty section a few doors up from us so we decided that would be a great place to hunt for different leaves, petals and small flowers to put in our eggs. 

Once we got back home we set to work filling our egg shell with the treasures we had collect, it was amazing how much we could fit inside.
Then we carefully topped them up with water and transferred them to the freezer to set while we went on our walk. 

They werent quite ready when we got back so had to leave them a little while longer. We decided to just 'crack' Mum's one today and have left ours till tomorrow. It was amazing watching more things break out of the ice egg as it melted. 
The whole egg from different angles 
Different stages of melting, with things poking through the ice,
and showing the layers that Mum put in 

At one stage it even looked like it had ears, what do you think??

All melted