Monday 30 March 2020

Monday 30th

School holidays

YIPPEE, Mum said it's officially the holidays so no school work for us today. We've been sleeping in till after 7.30 (which is unheard of for us normally) so we had a bit of a lazy start to the day.
Once we finally got dressed we went for a walk down at the creek. We took a walkie talkie with us and left one at home with Dad so we could have a chat.
 We had a look for some eels but they were all hiding today. Mum took some photos of some skeleton leaves, then we headed home up all the steps. 

Our first weekend

While we've been home Dad has been locked in the bedroom doing work so it was great to have him around to have lots of fun with over the weekend (hence not many photos)
We watched lots of Pokemon, a movie about Diary of a Wimpy Kid, had even more Nerf wars, coloured in, video chatted to Nana and Grandad, and spent time in the garden and going for short walks up our street. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul | undefined |  Pokémon: Johto League Champions Episodes Added to Pokémon TV ...

3D animals

A friend of Mum's posted some awesome photos of 3D animals so we had to jump on google and try it out for ourselves!  
Some people seem to have an issue viewing 'in their own space' - we had to allow google certain permissions. 

Here's the list of animals we found on another blog that work, but there may be more. 

  • Alligator
  • Angler fish
  • Brown bear
  • Cat
  • Cheetah
  • Dog
    • Labrador Retriever
    • Pug
    • Rottweiler
  • Duck
  • Eagle
  • Emperor penguin
  • Giant panda
  • Goat
  • Hedgehog
  • Horse
  • Lion
  • Macaw
  • Octopus
  • Shark
  • Shetland pony
  • Snake
  • Tiger
  • Turtle
  • Wolf

Here are some of the cool photos we created. 


Friday 27th

Today Mum had a message on her phone from our friends Jake and Emme, the problem was it made no sense! Thankfully they sent us a key so we could decipher what they were trying to say. 

Malachi then tried his hand at creating his own code and message. Do you think you can work it out? Post your answer in the comments if you can.

Malachi is loving maths at the moment, he's even discovered an easy trick for adding 'big numbers' and has managed to do some simple multiplication too.

Thursday 26th

Today we started the day with more school work. Malachi has some worksheets from school and Floyd has work on his school blog. We're also doing maths and reading each day - as well as lots of playtime and some screen time too! 

Malachi did an alphabet hunt, he had to find things around the house that started with each letter, while Floyd checked out some cook books as he has a challenge to plan and cook a meal. 


We wanted scones for lunch and helped Mum make them. We got a bit messy but they were super yum! 

Mum told us that people are putting soft toys in their windows so we dressed up Simon the Safety Sloth 

Chatting to friends on video chat was another highlight of the day, the filters made us crack up!!

We finished the day with more work and more Nerf wars. 


Wednesday 25th

As it would normally be a school day we started our "school at home" lessons. Mum gave us some maths to do first. 

After dinner it was Nerf war time. Malachi built a pretty awesome base to hide behind using things he found around the house. 


Saturday 28 March 2020

Lockdown diary 

Welcome to our blog, a place to record what we get up to during the lockdown currently taking place in New Zealand. 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and shoes